Monday, November 15, 2010

Our next paper is a multi-genre paper. I think that it will be very enjoyable to write a paper with multiple genres included within it. I have never had an assignment to write such as this type of a project, so I find it very interesting. I have decided to use the topic of the seasons for my subject to write about. I think I can out together a very good paper in using that subject. It will give many different perspectives of the same topic. I find this very interesting!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Getting Busy!

With the semester proceeding I feel as if my work load is becoming harder and harder! I have to worry about tests frequently; as soon as I finish studying for one test I have to move to the next one! Papers are likewise as frequently assigned! Christmas is coming up soon, and I will have to worry about Christmas shopping soon! Before Christmas would be Thanksgiving, and my family needs to plan out our day for that Holiday. We are thinking about purchasing our plane tickets to go to Germany for this coming summer now, so we have to plan an accurate date to buy the tickets for. My brother's birthday is in 10 days. Oh, and did I mention that my "check engine" light is on in my car??
Time to work on my report now!